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Posting assignments and tests in Google Classroom

Check out this 45-second screen recording - no sound needed

  1. Go to

  2. Click the class → Classwork.

  3. At the top, click CreateAssignment.

  4. Enter the Title and any Instructions.

  5. Post to additional classes

    1. Under For, click the Down arrow Down Arrow→ select the class or classes you want to include.

  6. Post to individual students

    1. Next to All students, click the Down arrow Down Arrow→ All students again to deselect students.

    2. Click a student's name to select them.

  7. Add a Grade category to organize assignments. Click the Down arrow Down Arrow→ select a category from the menu.

  8. Change the point value

    1. Under Points, click the value (by default, assignments are set at 100 points).

    2. Enter a new point value or select Ungraded.

  9. By default, an assignment has no due date. To set a due date:

    1. Under Due, click the Down arrow Down Arrow.

    2. Next to No due date, click the Down arrow Down Arrow.

    3. Click a date on the calendar.

  10.   Add a Topic to group similar assignments and materials: Under Topic, click the Down arrow Down Arrow.

    1. To create a topic, click Create topic and enter a topic name.

    2. Or, click a topic in the list to select it.

  11.   Add Attachments: click Add →  choose an option:

    1. File

    2. Google Drive (Google Drive items are view-only to students).

    3.  YouTube

    4. Link

  12.   You can post an assignment immediately, or schedule it to post later.

    1. Click Assign to immediately post the assignment.

    2. Schedule the assignment to post later