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Restrict Students from Commenting on Stream

Restrict students' ability to comment on the Stream by changing a Stream setting (this has to be done for each class).


  1. Go to Google Classroom

  2. Select a class

  3. Click the settings gear in the top right corner
    Screenshot 2023-10-23 at 4.19.50 PM.png

  4. Scroll down to Stream (under the General section)

  5. Change the setting next to Stream. Choose either "Students can only comment" or "Only teachers can post or comment). Do not leave it as "Students can post and comment - this is how they're accessing YouTube" **See note below
    Screenshot 2023-10-23 at 4.21.46 PM.png

  6. Click Save in the top right corner

  7. Repeat this for each Google Classroom
**This setting affects the announcements area of your Google Classroom page. If you post announcements and want students to comment on them, choose the middle option. If you don't use this feature, limit it to only teachers who can post or comment.