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Logging Parent Phone Calls (Notes)

All parent phone calls are to be recorded in ParentLocker's Notes.


  1. From Teacher Tools, go to Notes.
    Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 9.04.10 AM.png

  2.  Click + New Note in the top-right corner.

  3. Choose a Category (i.e. Parent Contact) and then a Subcategory (i.e. Phone).

  4. Choose a Status. If it requires a follow-up or admin escalation, leave it Open. Otherwise, choose Closed.

  5. Give the note a Title (i.e. Phone call with Mom 8/30/24).

  6. Enter the Date and Time of the phone call.

  7. Start typing in the names of the Students this note pertains to. It can be one or more students.

  8. Write a Summary.

  9. Skip these fields.

  10. If you need to add another teacher or coach to the note, type in their name in the Staff Reviewers box.

  11. Scroll down to the bottom and Save the note.