Logging Parent Phone Calls (Notes)
All parent phone calls are to be recorded in ParentLocker's Notes.
From Teacher Tools, go to Notes.
Click + New Note in the top-right corner.
- Choose a Category (i.e. Parent Contact) and then a Subcategory (i.e. Phone).
- Choose a Status. If it requires a follow-up or admin escalation, leave it Open. Otherwise, choose Closed.
- Give the note a Title (i.e. Phone call with Mom 8/30/24).
- Enter the Date and Time of the phone call.
- Start typing in the names of the Students this note pertains to. It can be one or more students.
- Write a Summary.
- Skip these fields.
- If you need to add another teacher or coach to the note, type in their name in the Staff Reviewers box.
- Scroll down to the bottom and Save the note.