Entering Grades
After you've created a sheet, you can start entering grades.
- To add a new grade click
on the top right side.
- Fill in the name, enter the date, and select the corresponding category (e.g. Quizzes - 15%) for this grade. Then choose the total possible points of this assignment.
Now press “Continue.”
- Here you have two options when entering grades for each student: “Percentage/Letter Grade” or “Weighted”:
•For “Percentage/Letter,” you can select a grade from 1% - 100% or from the grade options you defined when creating the sheet (A, B, C, etc).
•For “Weighted,” you will enter the number of points received out of the total possible.
For example, if you entered 20 as the total points possible, a student can receive "something out of 20." For example, 20/20 or 18/20.
- You can also mark a grade as “Late”, “Excused” or “Not Completed” where applicable. A grade marked as “excused” for a student will not be factored into the grade average.
- Finally, click “Save Grades.”
- Click the pencil icon next to each assessment to edit the scores, change, or delete.