Publishing Grades
By default, grades are only visible to teachers and administrators.
There are two ways of making grades visible to parents and students.
Publishing Grade Sheets
To publish the sheet, click . The button will be green when published and grey when not published.
Emailing Grades
Email Grades will allow you to email the grade for a specific assignment home to all the parents (each parent receives their child’s grade on that assignment in an email). This can be done whether or not the sheet is published
If you don’t want the whole sheet to be published and visible to parents but want to share specific assignments with
parents, you can Email Grades but not publish the sheet.
- You can manually withhold an email by unchecking the box to the left of the student's name. Uncheck any students whose parents you don’t want to receive the email. A student missing a grade on the assignment will have his or her name unchecked automatically.
- The grades you entered on the sheet will be shown. These are what will be sent in the email.
Note: Any changes here will only apply to what is sent in the email, and not actually change the grade on the sheet. - You may add a comment in the “Include Comment” text box for each student.
- When you are done scroll to the bottom and click “Send Emails.” Each parent will receive their child’s grade and your comment (if entered) in an email.
- Click “Email Logs” to view a log of the grades you emailed out, as well as records of which parents viewed the email and which haven’t.