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Posting Homework and More to Your Courses

You can use ParentLocker to organize and share coursework and news with students and parents. From news posts and photos to homework, tests, quizzes, and files, ParentLocker will allow you to keep parents and
students informed and involved.

What you post in “Your Courses” will be included in each night’s Homework Email.

Items synced from Google Classroom will show up here as well and will be included in the daily Homework Email.

  1. Under “Teacher Tools” on the top navigation bar, click “Your Courses.”

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    The “Your Courses” page is divided into four tabs: Organizer, Newsboard, Files, and Photos.

  2. The first tab is the Organizer. The Organizer is set up like a “daily planner,” where everything you post is included beneath the corresponding date. Because you are the teacher, you will see an area where you can post homework, assignments, tests, quizzes, and events.

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    When an assignment is shared with a course, it will be visible to students in the course and their parents on ParentLocker. It will also be sent to them in the nightly homework email: reminders for homework will be sent out on the night it is assigned for, and all other reminders (assignments, tests, etc.) will be sent out each night beginning a few days before they are due or occur.

    To post in the Organizer:
    •Choose the date of the homework/assignment/test/quiz/event you are posting
    •Select which courses to share the post with. You can share with more than one course at once, if two or more of your courses have similar work
    •Enter a title, description, and other details in the boxes that follow.
    •Click “Include a File” if you want to upload a file to include with the post (for example, homework problems or an event schedule).
    •Click “Post” -- it will now appear in your Organizer (and the Organizers of the students in the course(s) you shared it with)!

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    • You can edit or delete anything you post by hovering over the item and clicking the pencil icon that appears next to it.
    • If you want to schedule an assignment but don’t want parents or students to see it in the organizer until a later date, click “Hide Until” and select the date on which to make the post visible to parents and students.
    • Click the “Calendar View” button on the right side to see the Organizer in calendar format.

  3. The next tab is the Newsboard. The Newsboard can be used to share news and updates with parents and students. For example, share classroom updates, blog posts, or various reminders. You can also post pictures to the Newsboard, so go ahead and post some pictures from class!

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    Newsboard posts will be visible to parents and students on ParentLocker, and will also be in that night’s Homework Email.

    To post news:
    • Select “Post Text” or “Post Picture” if you would like to upload a photo.
    • If you chose “Post Picture,” upload a picture from your computer.
    • Select which courses to share the post with. You can share the same post/picture with multiple courses at one time.
    • Write some text in the box.
    • Click “Include a File” if you would like to upload a file to include with your Newsboard post.
    • Click “Post” -- your post will now appear on your Newsboard (and the Newsboards of the students in the course(s) you shared it with)!

  4. The Files tab allows you to upload various files for parents and students to download from home. This is useful to post course syllabi, handouts, worksheets, and more.

    Each course you teach will have its own folder:

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    Click a folder to view its contents. Within each folder, you can upload files and create new folders to organize your files using the “Upload” and “New Folder” buttons.

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    Anything in the course folder is visible to all parents and students in the course. Use the Files tab to organize all the course material and easily share files with parents and students.

  5. You can use ParentLocker to share Photo albums with parents and students of your courses. Upload photos of classroom activities, trips, and more to keep parents engaged and involved.

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    To create an album click “Create a New Album,” choose which courses to share the album with, give the album a title and a description, and continue to upload photos.

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    Click “Add photos...” to add photos from your computer, and then “Start Upload” to upload them to ParentLocker. Finally, click “I’m Done Uploading” when you’re finished uploading.

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    On the Edit Album page, you’ll be able to choose an album “cover” photo, re-arrange the order of photos in the album, and delete or add any photos to the album.